Weekly Briefing No. 9

339 Words | (1) Innovate to Create New Habits, (2) Work Inside Your Mission and Outside Your Walls, and (3) Create like Funnyman Jerry Seinfeld.

K.I.S.S. and Innovate with Habit and Ease of Use in Mind

Have you ever noticed how the Google search page has never really changed? That is because Google understands that people are basically creatures of habit. We develop habits by repeating the same behavior time and time again and the easier the better. By creating easy to use products or services, you will help people choose your offering every time even in a crowded marketplace.

Innovation: Create produces and services that are simple to use and share.

Desired Outcome: To help people choose your “no-brainer” offerings first and fast.

Innovate Inside Your Brand…But Outside Your Walls

When innovating new products or services to meet the needs of people you serve, you want to make sure that it is consistent with your mission and brand. To do this, you may want to consider piloting small start projects outside of your church, ministry or Christian business. In that way, you can validate the concepts and also think through the introduction or assimilation into your existing offerings.

Innovation: Incubate ideas outside of your normal process, even if adjacent.

Desired Outcome: Innovate new programs without confusing your existing stakeholders.

How Being Negative Can Yield Positive Results  

Emmy winner Jerry Seinfeld says, “innovation is identifying what you don’t like” and creating new ways that you do. If you do not like the way the food is distributed to the needy within your community, figure out a new way to do it. Work backwards from your dislike to create new approaches to remedy the situation as new technologies have probably been introduced since the existing program was developed.

Innovation: Use likes and dislikes to identify new solutions to existing problems.

Desired Outcome: Find new ways to remedy age old problems.

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Founder and Chief Culture Bender