Weekly Briefing No. 6

299 Words | (1) Combining, Decoupling or a Mashup with a Dash of Something New, (2) Bootstrapping Innovation, and (3) Choosing Innovation Over Incremental Improvement for Rapid Growth 

Combining, Decoupling or Mashup…and Combinations of Melding   

Many redefined social problems require new solutions but the components of these new solutions may come from pieces of existing offerings. By putting together or taking apart pieces of existing products and services and combining them, with or without something new, in innovative ways may be enough to create the major breakthrough that you are looking for.

Innovation: Reordering the composition of existing offerings with something new could create breakthrough solutions to unmet needs.

Desired Outcome: Major breakthroughs to help clarify and redefine who Jesus really is.

Bootstrapping Improves Innovation…Even If You Are Flush With Money

A shortage of resources (time, energy and/or money) can dramatically enhance innovation. Try putting limits on your time to soft launch or total investment (even $0) to come up with viable solutions to a specific problem. Creative, new ways of resourcing, partnering and product development will emerge.

Innovation: Bootstrapping ignites creativity and innovation in ways that unlimited resources can never do.

Desired Outcome: Allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to create truly heaven sent solutions.

Innovation Leads to Rapid Scaling…But Tweaking Still Improves Satisfaction 

Launching something new almost always trumps incremental improvement of an existing product or service for rapid acceptance and scaling. Improving a currently available offering can most definitely enhance user experience, effectiveness or efficiency but rarely leads to viral adoption although word of mouth has the potential to increase demand and opportunities.

Innovation: To achieve Culture Bender levels of acceptance, incremental improvements may not be enough. Innovate new offerings for rapid expansion.

Desired Outcome: Provide innovative solutions to bend culture back towards Jesus.

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Founder and Chief Culture Bender