407 Words | (1) Finding Local Relevance Through Practical Service, (2) The Stinking Truth About Christian Group Think, and (3) An Event for Anyone Interested in Business as Mission.
How the Rock Church Rocks It?
Innovation: To exhibit the love of Jesus through practical service.
Desired Outcome: Engaging your church in your community at their place of need.
The Rock Church has figured out how church can be relevant in today’s world. The Rock Church started in February 2000 by Pastor Miles McPherson and found impact as a Do Something Church committed to serving the needs of their community. Currently, the Rock consists of five San Diego campuses, four weekend services serving 18,000 people, the Rock Academy Christian School, and hundreds of active Life Groups and ministries committed to making a difference in the community. Want to see how they do it? Click here.
The Stinking Truth About Christian Groupthink?
Innovation: Bring the dangerous concept of Groupthink to your next gathering and openly discuss how it hurts your decision making process.
Desired Outcome: To create a safe place to disagree and maintain a 1 John 1:7 mindset in decision making.
Minimizing conflict, harmonious decision making and limiting outside influences all sound reasonable and even Christian in approach, don’t they? They are until members of the group are not able to speak truthfully or have their input marginalized. That’s when a safe Kingdom environment shifts to damaging Group Think. Unfortunately, we have all seen some sort of group think occur using scripture to drive agenda, special projects and retain power. Read Three Ways to Curb Christian Groupthink by Ryan Nelson for some good insights.
An Event for Anyone Interested in Business as Mission
Innovation: Using business to bend culture towards Jesus.
Desired Outcome: To exhibit the relevance of Jesus in every area of life.
This year’s BAM Conference in Dallas (September 15-17) will bring together hundreds of business professionals and thought leaders from around the world who are eager to learn how to reconcile their faith and work. With the theme “Bridging the Gap”, the three-day event will close the divide between where you are now and where you want to be, and equip you to use your God-given skills to make an impact through business. For more information, click here.
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