Weekly Briefing No. 15

347 Words | (1) Assigning Mary when Martha is Needed, (2) Take that Innovation Away and Give It to Another, and (3) Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold Them.

Why Good Gets in the Way 

Many times a good solution to an obvious need seems reasonable when you are attempting to be expedient. However, are you providing a Mary solution when a Martha solution is actually needed? Take the time to review your product and service from a spiritual perspective to see if the answer is simply a practical response or if something deeper is required.

Innovation: Do the work to identify what need really needs filling.

Desired Outcome: To serve people in the place of their actual need.

Give Your Best People the Best Opportunities

In the parable of the talents, the Master took opportunity away from one person and gave it all to another. Only 1 in 7 people are considered “A” players so do not distract them doing something else. Oh, that’s another parable, isn’t it? Although we may be equal in the Kingdom of God, we are not all equal in abilities or effectiveness so over-index your best people with the best opportunities lest they may be taken from you.

Innovation: Assign your best people to your biggest opportunities.

Desired Outcome: Hearing “Well done, good and faithful servant” from the Master.

Knowing When It’s Time to Quit

In the parable of the Master who wanted to pull up a non-producing tree, his wise servant asked for more time to nurture and nourish the tree before replacing it. Many times, we lose because we quit too early on a project or person. In fact, many trees do not produce for a number of seasons as part of their natural growth process. Do any of your projects or people need a little more time to bloom?

Innovation: Allowing the time necessary for natural harvest.

Desired Outcome: To reap a full harvest season after season.

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Founder and Chief Culture Bender